Synergi blog
Our blog covers topics related to the Synergi app, efficient and responsible electricity use tips and much more!
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Heat Pumps
5 vinkkiä edulliseen ilmalämpöpumpun käyttöön
Heat Pumps
Smart Climate
Demand Response

Heat Pumps
5 smart tips for cheaper heat pump heating
Heat Pumps
Smart Climate
Demand Response

Company News
2024: Launching Synergi to New Heights
Company News

Electric Vehicles
Parhaimmat hyödyt, kun ostaa sähköauton
Electric Vehicles
Smart Charging
Solar Charging

Electric Vehicles
Top perks of buying an electric vehicle
Electric Vehicles
Smart Charging
Solar Charging
Demand Response
Company News
Synergin uusi rahoituskierros mahdollistaa kotitalouksien ja energiayhtiöiden tuomisen osaksi joustomarkkinoita
Company News
Company News
We raised new funding to plug households and utilities into flex markets
Company News
Smart Charging
Smart charging & climate—why do only a few talk about it?
Electric Vehicles
Smart Charging
Climate Action
Demand Response
Demand Response: Save Money and Earn Rewards with Flexible Energy Use
Demand Response
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